Efficient In-Place Filtering in Rust with HashMap::retain: Keep Only What You Need

Efficient In-Place Filtering in Rust with HashMap::retain: Keep Only What You Need
Photo by Cambridge Jenkins IV / Unsplash

When working with HashMap in Rust, you’ll often find yourself in situations where you need to filter out entries based on specific criteria. Traditionally, this would involve creating a new HashMap and populating it with only the entries that meet your conditions. But did you know there's a simpler, more efficient way to filter a HashMap in place without allocating a new collection? Enter HashMap::retain().

HashMap::retain() is an in-place method that allows you to filter entries directly within the existing HashMap. It’s particularly useful when you need to remove entries based on a condition and don’t want to incur the overhead of creating a new map. In this article, we’ll go over how retain works, common use cases, performance considerations, and some best practices to keep in mind.

How HashMap::retain() Works

The retain method takes a closure that operates on each key-value pair in the map. If the closure returns false, the entry is removed from the HashMap. If it returns true, the entry is kept. This in-place filtering is both efficient and simple, as you don’t need to create or manage an additional HashMap.

Here’s a quick example to see it in action:

use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let mut scores = HashMap::new();
    scores.insert("Alice", 85);
    scores.insert("Bob", 92);
    scores.insert("Carol", 78);
    scores.insert("Dave", 88);

    // Retain only scores of 80 or above
    scores.retain(|_name, &mut score| score >= 80);

    println!("{:?}", scores); // Output: {"Alice": 85, "Bob": 92, "Dave": 88}

In this example, we remove entries where the score is below 80. Instead of creating a new HashMap for filtered results, we’re modifying scores in place, which makes the code simpler and more memory-efficient.

Live demo here.

Why Use retain? Benefits of In-Place Filtering

1. Improved Memory Efficiency

  • Creating a new HashMap requires additional memory allocation. By using retain, we can avoid this by working with the existing collection. This is particularly helpful in cases where memory is a concern, such as embedded systems or resource-constrained environments.

2. Reduced Code Complexity

  • With retain, there’s no need to manage an additional variable for the filtered map. This can make your code easier to read and maintain, especially in more complex filtering scenarios where conditions may involve multiple fields or attributes.

3. Performance Optimization

  • Filtering in place with retain is generally faster than creating a new collection. In applications where performance is critical, this can lead to more efficient code execution. However, it’s worth noting that retain still requires a pass over each element, so the performance gain will depend on the complexity of your condition.

Real-World Use Cases

Filtering by Status

Suppose you have a HashMap of user statuses, and you want to retain only active users:

let mut user_statuses = HashMap::from([
    ("Alice", "active"),
    ("Bob", "inactive"),
    ("Carol", "active"),
    ("Dave", "inactive"),

// Keep only active users
user_statuses.retain(|_user, status| *status == "active");

println!("{:?}", user_statuses); // Output: {"Alice": "active", "Carol": "active"}

In this case, retain provides a clean and efficient way to manage active users without needing an additional collection.

Removing Expired Sessions

In an application that manages user sessions, you might want to remove expired sessions from a HashMap. Let’s say each session has an expiry timestamp, and you want to retain only the sessions that are still valid.

use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration};

fn main() {
    let mut sessions: HashMap<&str, SystemTime> = HashMap::new();
    sessions.insert("session1", SystemTime::now());
    sessions.insert("session2", SystemTime::now() - Duration::from_secs(3600));
    sessions.insert("session3", SystemTime::now() - Duration::from_secs(7200));

    // Retain only sessions that are less than an hour old
    let one_hour = Duration::from_secs(3600);
    sessions.retain(|_id, &mut timestamp| {
        timestamp.elapsed().unwrap_or_default() < one_hour

    println!("{:?}", sessions); // Output: Only sessions less than an hour old

This can be very useful for applications that need to manage session data efficiently, especially for user-based systems.

Live demo here.

Considerations When Using retain

While retain is a powerful tool, it’s essential to use it carefully. Here are some important points to keep in mind:

1. Mutability of the Map

  • retain requires a mutable reference to the HashMap, which means you can’t use it if the HashMap is immutable or if you’re borrowing it in a way that prevents mutation. Make sure that mutability is acceptable within the context of your code.

2. Potential Borrowing Issues

  • Since retain works in place, be cautious when using it within complex borrowing scenarios. Avoid accessing elements of the HashMap inside the closure that would lead to multiple mutable references, as this will cause compilation errors. If you encounter this, you may need to rethink how you’re structuring your code.

3. In-Place Modification Side Effects

  • Although in-place modification can improve performance, it may make your code harder to understand if you’re not careful. If other parts of your code rely on the HashMap being unmodified, consider documenting or isolating the retain usage to avoid unintended consequences.

4. Performance with Large HashMaps

  • While retain is usually faster than creating a new collection, this may not hold for extremely large HashMaps with complex filtering conditions. For very large maps, you may want to benchmark your specific use case to see if retain actually provides performance benefits or if another approach might be more effective.

Other Useful HashMap Filtering Techniques

In addition to retain, you can use other filtering techniques depending on your needs:

  • Iterate and Collect: For cases where in-place modification isn’t ideal, you can always create a new HashMap by filtering and collecting the results:
let filtered: HashMap<_, _> = scores.into_iter().filter(|&(_k, v)| v >= 80).collect();
  • Filter Keys or Values Directly: If you only need a filtered list of keys or values, you can use the filter method on the keys or values iterators to avoid working with key-value pairs directly:
let high_scorers: Vec<_> = scores.keys().filter(|&&name| name == "Alice").collect();


Using HashMap::retain can simplify and optimize your Rust code, particularly in cases where you need to filter entries in place. It’s a handy tool for reducing memory allocations, simplifying code structure, and potentially improving performance. However, it’s important to use it wisely, as in-place modifications can have implications for readability and mutability.

In summary:

  • retain is efficient for in-place filtering, avoiding the need for a new collection.
  • Keep mutability in mind, as retain requires a mutable reference.
  • Consider borrowing and performance implications with larger maps.

Overall, HashMap::retain is a great addition to any Rustacean’s toolkit. If you haven’t already, give it a try in your next project where filtering is needed!

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