How to Check for Remote Git Changes Without Pulling

How to Check for Remote Git Changes Without Pulling
Photo by A Weller / Unsplash

When working with Git, especially in a production environment, you may want to check if there are updates on the remote repository before actually pulling them. This helps avoid unwanted surprises and lets you decide when and how to update your local repository.

In this article, we'll cover how to check for remote changes without pulling, list the changes, and discuss other important considerations.

1. Checking if Remote Has New Changes

To check if your remote branch has new commits, use the following command:

sudo -u www-data git fetch
sudo -u www-data git status


  • git fetch: Retrieves the latest changes from the remote repository but does not apply them to your local branch.

git status: Displays the current state of your local branch. If there are new changes on the remote, you'll see a message like:

Your branch is behind 'origin/main' by X commits, and can be fast-forwarded.

This tells you that updates exist but doesn’t show what they are.

2. Listing the Changes Without Pulling

If you want to see the new commits on the remote branch before pulling, use:

sudo -u www-data git log HEAD..origin/main --oneline


  • git log HEAD..origin/main --oneline: Lists the commits that exist on origin/main but not in your local branch. Each commit will be displayed with its hash and message.

Example output:

3f6d9c2 Fix login issue
9b8e12a Update dependencies
2c4a8d1 Improve caching mechanism

This lets you review what’s changed before deciding to pull.

3. Viewing Detailed Differences

To see what exactly changed (files, code differences, etc.) between your local and remote branches, you can use:

sudo -u www-data git diff HEAD..origin/main


  • git diff HEAD..origin/main: Shows the actual code changes between your local branch and the remote branch.

If you only want to see which files were changed, run:

sudo -u www-data git diff --name-only HEAD..origin/main

This will list only the filenames that have been modified.

4. Checking Remote Branch Status

If you want to see all branches and their status compared to the remote, use:

sudo -u www-data git branch -vv


  • git branch -vv: Lists all local branches along with their tracking branches and whether they are ahead or behind the remote.

Example output:

  main      3f6d9c2 [origin/main] Fix login issue
* featureX  9b8e12a [origin/featureX: behind 2] Work in progress

This shows that featureX is behind by 2 commits, meaning there are updates available on the remote.

5. Checking Remote for Unmerged Changes

Sometimes, there might be changes on the remote branch that conflict with your local changes. To check, run:

sudo -u www-data git fetch
sudo -u www-data git diff --stat origin/main


  • git diff --stat origin/main: Shows a summary of changes between your local branch and origin/main, including how many lines were added or removed.

This helps in understanding the scope of changes before merging.

6. Other Considerations

  • Use git fetch Regularly: Running git fetch frequently helps keep your local repo up to date without modifying your working directory.

Check for Conflicts Before Pulling: If you have local changes, run:

sudo -u www-data git diff origin/main

This lets you see potential conflicts before merging.

Avoid Pulling Blindly: If you see a lot of changes, you might want to stash your local changes before pulling:

sudo -u www-data git stash

This keeps your changes safe in case of conflicts.


By using git fetch, git status, and git log HEAD..origin/main, you can check for new changes on the remote without pulling. This helps maintain control over your repository and avoid unexpected conflicts. Use these techniques regularly to keep your Git workflow smooth and efficient.

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