Mastering the <use> Tag in HTML for SVG Reusability

Mastering the <use> Tag in HTML for SVG Reusability
Photo by Hitesh Dewasi / Unsplash

When you're working with SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) in HTML, there's a handy tool at your disposal that can save you both time and effort—the <use> tag. If you're just getting started with SVGs, understanding this tag will help you keep your code clean and efficient, especially when you need to display the same graphic multiple times.

What is the <use> Tag?

The <use> tag in HTML is a special tag used for referencing and reusing SVG elements. Instead of recreating the same SVG element multiple times throughout your document, you can define it once and then use it elsewhere with <use>. This not only helps reduce the amount of code you write but also improves the performance of your web page, especially if you're working with complex or large SVGs.

How Does it Work?

Think of it like creating a blueprint. You define an SVG shape or element, and then, using the <use> tag, you can stamp that element into different places in your HTML without having to copy the whole thing over and over.

For example, imagine you want to draw a red circle. You can define the circle once, and then use it multiple times by simply referencing it with <use>.

Here’s a quick example:

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle id="myCircle" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" />

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <use href="#myCircle" x="0" y="0"></use>

In this case, we've defined a circle with the ID myCircle. Later, we can reuse this circle using the <use> tag by referencing its ID. You can change the position of the reused element by adjusting the x and y attributes.

See your self in this demo link.

Why Use the <use> Tag?

There are several reasons why the <use> tag is such a powerful feature when working with SVGs.

  1. Efficiency: By reusing the same graphic element, you avoid duplicating code. This is especially useful when working with large or complex graphics that you want to display in multiple places on your web page.
  2. Performance: Every time you add an SVG element directly into your HTML, the browser has to process it. By using <use>, you're telling the browser, "I've already defined this element; just display it again." This can make your page load faster and be more responsive, especially if you're working with lots of graphics.
  3. Maintainability: If you ever need to update your SVG, you only have to change the original definition. All instances where you’ve used the <use> tag will automatically reflect the update, making your code much easier to maintain over time.
  4. Consistency: With the <use> tag, you ensure that all instances of your SVG element look the same. If you're using the same graphic in multiple places, this guarantees visual consistency across your design.

Using the <use> Tag Properly

The <use> tag relies on the href attribute to reference the element you want to reuse. In the past, this used to be done with xlink:href, but modern browsers now prefer using href directly. However, if you’re working with older browsers, you may still encounter xlink:href in legacy code.

Another point to note is that you can modify certain properties, such as position (x, y) or transformations (like scaling or rotation), on the referenced element when using <use>. However, the original graphic’s attributes, like color or stroke width, typically stay the same unless you specifically override them in your CSS.

Here’s an example of how to modify the position and scaling of a reused SVG element:

<svg width="100" height="100">
  <circle id="myCircle" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" />

<svg width="200" height="200">
  <use href="#myCircle" x="50" y="50" transform="scale(2)"></use>

In this example, the second circle will be positioned differently and scaled to twice its original size.

Common Use Cases

The <use> tag is especially useful in scenarios where you need to repeat a graphic multiple times with little to no variation. Some common examples include:

  • Icons used throughout a website (like a menu icon or social media icons).
  • Repeating shapes in illustrations or backgrounds.
  • Creating complex designs that involve multiple instances of the same element, like patterns or grids.

By using <use>, you keep your code clean, manageable, and efficient.


The <use> tag might seem like a small tool, but it's incredibly useful when working with SVGs in HTML. It allows you to reuse elements, save time, and improve performance on your web pages. Plus, it ensures that all instances of your graphic elements remain consistent across your design.

Whether you're creating an icon set, a repeating pattern, or simply trying to keep your code clean, this tag will help you work smarter, not harder.

Again, this is the demo link if you want to see it.

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