The Documentation Dilemma: Why Many Junior Developers Struggle to Understand Libraries

The Documentation Dilemma: Why Many Junior Developers Struggle to Understand Libraries
Photo by Torsten Dederichs / Unsplash

One of the most daunting challenges for junior developers and beginners is not necessarily writing code, but understanding how to use libraries effectively. Libraries, after all, are tools designed to make development easier by providing pre-written code to solve common problems. However, reading and comprehending the documentation for these libraries can often feel like an uphill battle. Why is this the case, and how can we make library documentation more approachable for newcomers?

The Unspoken Assumption of Knowledge

One of the primary issues with many library documentations is that they seem to assume a certain level of expertise from their readers. Whether it's the use of jargon, unexplained concepts, or complex examples, many documentations seem to be written for those who already have a solid grasp of programming principles and the ecosystem in which the library exists.

For junior developers, this creates a steep learning curve. Rather than providing a welcoming entry point, such documentation can be intimidating, leading to frustration or even discouragement. The feeling of being “out of their depth” is common, even for developers who have a decent grasp of coding fundamentals but are unfamiliar with the specific paradigms or syntax the library uses.

Lack of Context and Use Cases

Another common issue is the absence of real-world use cases. Many documentations dive straight into method definitions, function signatures, and edge cases without ever explaining why the library exists or how it can solve actual problems. For beginners, this can be confusing—after all, knowing what a method does is only useful if you understand why or when to use it.

Without concrete examples or practical use cases, beginners are left to guess how the library fits into their project or workflow. This leads to trial-and-error coding, where developers may copy-paste code from the documentation without understanding its purpose or implications.

Too Much Focus on Features, Not Enough on Fundamentals

Library creators often take pride in their product’s advanced features and optimizations. While it’s important to document these, it’s just as crucial to focus on the fundamental aspects that beginners are likely to encounter first. Many developers struggle because they are bombarded with information about optional configurations, advanced techniques, or performance tweaks before they’ve even understood the basic usage.

Without a solid foundation, these advanced topics can overwhelm juniors. What's missing in many cases is a clear path from "beginner" to "intermediate" use, with step-by-step guidance on how to get there.

Documentation That Expects Exploration

Some documentation is designed with an assumption that developers will experiment as they go, learning through exploration and hands-on tinkering. While this can work for experienced developers who are comfortable with reading between the lines, juniors often need more direct guidance.

For a beginner, vague explanations or documentation that lacks specific "getting started" sections can leave them feeling lost. While exploration is a key part of learning to code, clear instructions should guide that exploration, providing direction rather than leaving the developer in a maze of unknowns.

The Road to Improvement

So, how can documentation be made more accessible to junior developers and beginners? A few simple adjustments could make a significant difference:

  1. Clear "Getting Started" Sections: Every documentation should start with a beginner-friendly guide that explains what the library does, why it might be useful, and how to implement basic use cases. This could be accompanied by simple, concrete examples that show the library in action.
  2. Progressive Disclosure of Information: Documentation should introduce concepts in a way that builds on the basics, gradually exposing more complex features as the developer becomes more comfortable. Start with essential functions before diving into advanced topics.
  3. Real-World Use Cases: Providing real-world examples that demonstrate common problems the library can solve will help beginners understand its practical applications. These should be simple and relatable, helping juniors bridge the gap between theory and practice.
  4. Glossaries and Explanations of Jargon: A beginner-friendly glossary of terms and concepts used throughout the documentation could help juniors grasp the material more easily. Even simple explanations of programming paradigms or patterns related to the library would make a big difference.
  5. More Context in Code Examples: Code examples should not only show what the library can do but also explain why each function is being used and what problem it solves. These contextual annotations can provide much-needed clarity for beginners.


For many junior developers, reading library documentation can be a frustrating experience. It’s a problem rooted in the assumption that users already possess a certain level of knowledge and familiarity with the tools they’re using. By focusing on clear explanations, real-world use cases, and a beginner-friendly approach, library authors can make their documentation more inclusive and accessible, ultimately empowering more developers to use their tools effectively.

The coding community thrives on collaboration and shared knowledge, and improving documentation is a crucial step towards making programming more accessible for everyone—especially those just starting their journey.

Come on documentation writers, make it easy for us, make it easy for beginner, it's an investment. Not all readers are experts 😄

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