The Hidden Danger of finally with await in JavaScript

The Hidden Danger of finally with await in JavaScript
Photo by Nikola Knezevic / Unsplash

When working with asynchronous code in JavaScript, proper resource management is crucial. The try...finally construct is often used to ensure that cleanup logic always runs, even if an error occurs. However, placing await inside a finally block can introduce unintended issues that developers might overlook.

Understanding the Problem

Consider the following code snippet:

try {
    return data;
} finally {
    await cleanup();

At first glance, this seems like a valid way to guarantee that cleanup() runs regardless of what happens in the try block. However, this code is fundamentally broken because JavaScript does not allow await inside a finally block when the try block contains a return statement.

What Happens Internally?

When the return data; statement executes inside the try block, the function starts returning the value immediately. But then, the finally block runs. Since cleanup() is awaited, the function execution is paused, even though it was supposed to have returned already. This can lead to:

  1. Unexpected delays: The caller does not receive the returned value until cleanup() completes.
  2. Unhandled rejections: If cleanup() fails, it could cause the function to throw an unexpected error instead of returning data.
  3. Performance bottlenecks: Any function calling this may be blocked longer than intended.

The Correct Approach

To avoid these pitfalls, don't use await in finally if the try block contains a return. Instead, handle cleanup separately:

Solution 1: Run Cleanup Without Awaiting

try {
    return data;
} finally {
    cleanup(); // No await, runs asynchronously

This ensures that cleanup() executes, but the function does not wait for it to finish.

Solution 2: Move Cleanup Before Returning

try {
    return data;
} finally {
    cleanup().catch(console.error); // Handle errors explicitly

This approach prevents potential issues if cleanup() fails.

Solution 3: Use try...catch and Await Before Returning

If you must await cleanup, do so before returning the value:

let result;
try {
    result = data;
} finally {
    await cleanup();
return result;

Here, await cleanup(); executes before returning result, ensuring that the caller receives the value only after cleanup is complete.

Additional Considerations

  • Error Handling: Ensure that cleanup() errors are properly handled, as unhandled rejections can crash Node.js processes.
  • Performance Impact: If cleanup is non-critical (e.g., logging, telemetry), it may be better to run it asynchronously without awaiting.
  • Use Promise.allSettled: If multiple cleanup tasks are needed, wrap them in Promise.allSettled() to ensure all tasks attempt completion.


Using await inside finally might seem intuitive, but it introduces hidden problems that can affect function behavior, performance, and error handling. By structuring asynchronous cleanup correctly, you ensure that your code remains efficient and bug-free. Always be cautious when mixing await with try...finally to avoid unexpected delays and errors in your JavaScript applications.

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