Unlocking the Power of Composer Scripts: A Complete Guide

Unlocking the Power of Composer Scripts: A Complete Guide
Photo by Catalin Apostol / Unsplash

Composer is the go-to dependency manager for PHP projects, but did you know it can do much more than just manage packages? Composer scripts provide a way to automate tasks and streamline your development workflow. Let’s explore how to use this feature, its benefits, and additional tips for making the most of it.

What Are Composer Scripts?

In Composer, scripts are custom commands you define in your composer.json file. These commands can be:

  • Shell commands
  • Composer commands
  • PHP scripts

They allow you to automate tasks such as running tests, starting a development server, or cleaning up files. Scripts are executed via the composer run command.

How to Define Composer Scripts

You define scripts in the scripts section of the composer.json file. Here’s an example:

    "scripts": {
        "start": "php -S localhost:8000 -t public",
        "test": "phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml",
        "build": "npm run build && php artisan cache:clear"

Key Points:

  • Script Names: The keys under the scripts section are the names of your custom commands (e.g., start, test, build).
  • Command Values: The values are the shell commands to execute.

Running Composer Scripts

To execute a script, use the following command:

composer run [script-name]

For example:

To run your tests:

composer run test

To start the PHP built-in server:

composer run start

Alternatively, you can skip run and directly call the script by its name:

composer start
composer test

Passing Arguments to Scripts

If your scripts accept arguments, you can pass them by using --:

composer run start -- --port=8080

Here, --port=8080 is passed to the underlying script.

Using Predefined Composer Events

Composer provides several predefined lifecycle event scripts that you can hook into. For example:

    "scripts": {
        "post-install-cmd": "php artisan migrate",
        "post-update-cmd": "php artisan cache:clear"

Common Events:

  • pre-install-cmd: Executes before composer install.
  • post-install-cmd: Executes after composer install.
  • pre-update-cmd: Executes before composer update.
  • post-update-cmd: Executes after composer update.

These hooks are useful for tasks like setting up your application after installing or updating dependencies.

Best Practices for Composer Scripts

  1. Keep Scripts Simple: Avoid adding overly complex logic to your composer.json. For advanced tasks, use dedicated tools or separate scripts.
  2. Use Descriptive Names: Choose clear, meaningful names for your scripts to make them easy to remember.
  3. Version Control: Always commit your composer.json file to version control so that everyone on your team has access to the same scripts.
  4. Cross-Environment Compatibility: Ensure that scripts work on all operating systems if your team uses a mix of environments (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux).

Hidden Gems: Additional Composer Script Tips

Execute Multiple Commands

You can chain multiple commands using &&:

    "scripts": {
        "deploy": "composer install && php artisan migrate && php artisan cache:clear"

Use External Scripts

For more complex tasks, point your Composer script to an external PHP file:

    "scripts": {
        "custom-task": "php scripts/my-custom-task.php"

Check for Dependency Compatibility

Run Composer’s check-platform-reqs as part of your scripts to ensure your server meets all requirements:

    "scripts": {
        "check-env": "composer check-platform-reqs"

Why Use Composer Scripts?

  • Automation: Save time by automating repetitive tasks.
  • Consistency: Ensure everyone on your team follows the same processes.
  • Ease of Use: Simplify workflows by consolidating commands under a single tool.


  • Security: Be cautious with shell commands in scripts. Avoid hardcoding sensitive data.
  • Dependencies: Ensure all required tools (e.g., PHPUnit, npm) are available in your environment.
  • Documentation: Document your scripts in your project’s README so others know how to use them.

Composer scripts are a powerful feature that can significantly enhance your development workflow. Whether you’re running tests, building your app, or managing server configurations, Composer scripts make it all easier and more efficient.

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