Why Your Next.js App Feels Slow in Development But Runs Snappy in Production
If you’re working with a Next.js app, you might have noticed that development mode feels sluggish, while the production build is lightning fast. This difference is by design, as Next.js prioritizes a rich developer experience in development mode and optimizes heavily for performance in production. But why does this happen, and how can you make your dev experience better? Let’s break it down.
Why Dev is Slower: The Real Reason
- Hot Reloading and Fast Refresh
- Next.js enables Hot Reloading and Fast Refresh in development mode to reflect changes immediately without a full reload. While convenient, this process adds overhead as it watches for file changes and updates the app dynamically.
- Detailed Source Maps
- Dev builds include source maps, making it easier to debug your code. However, these source maps require additional processing and can slow down browser performance, especially in larger apps.
- Unoptimized Code
- In dev mode, code is not minified or optimized. Next.js avoids these steps to prioritize debugging convenience over performance.
- Error Handling and Debugging Utilities
- Dev mode includes error overlays, detailed stack traces, and debugging tools that aren’t present in production. These utilities can slow down rendering and response times.
- On-the-Fly Compilation
- Changes in your code trigger module recompilation in real time. This is crucial for productivity but can slow things down significantly for large or complex projects.
Why Prod is Faster: What Makes It Snappy
- Optimized Code
- During a production build, Next.js applies tree shaking, code minification, and bundling, reducing your app’s size and improving load times.
- Static Generation (SSG)
- For pages that can be statically generated, Next.js pre-renders them at build time. This means no server-side rendering (SSR) overhead during runtime.
- Stripped Debugging Tools
- Error overlays, source maps, and hot reloading tools are entirely removed in production, resulting in a clean and lightweight build.
- Efficient Asset Loading
- Next.js optimizes assets like images and JavaScript bundles in production, using techniques such as lazy loading and CDN delivery.
How to Improve Dev Performance
While it’s normal for dev mode to be slower, there are ways to make it more bearable. Here are some tips:
1. Analyze Your Dependencies
- Large or unnecessary dependencies can slow down dev builds. Use tools like
to identify and trim them.
2. Use skipLibCheck
in TypeScript
TypeScript’s skipLibCheck
option skips type checking for library files, significantly speeding up compilation:
"compilerOptions": {
"skipLibCheck": true
3. Split Large Components
- Break down large components into smaller, more manageable parts to reduce the scope of Fast Refresh.
4. Disable ESLint During Builds
Running ESLint during every build can slow things down. Instead, run it separately or only during CI/CD pipelines:
module.exports = {
eslint: {
ignoreDuringBuilds: true,
5. Disable Source Maps
Source maps are great for debugging but can slow down development. You can disable them for a speed boost:
module.exports = {
webpack: (config, { dev }) => {
if (dev) {
config.devtool = false; // Disable source maps
return config;
6. Try TurboPack
If you’re on Next.js 13 or later, you can experiment with TurboPack, a faster bundler designed for modern development:
next dev --turbo
7. Increase System Resources
- Development mode can be resource-intensive, so ensure your machine has sufficient CPU and memory, especially for large projects.
8. Use Production Build Locally
If you’re troubleshooting a performance-related issue unrelated to debugging, run the production build locally to test:
npm run build && npm start
9. Optimize Middleware and API Routes
- If you use middleware or API routes in your app, ensure they are optimized. Inefficient middleware logic can slow down the dev server.
10. Lazy Load Expensive Components
- Use dynamic imports to lazy load components that are not needed immediately. This reduces the initial load time in both dev and prod.
11. Modularize Your CSS
- If you’re using CSS modules or global styles, modularize them to reduce processing time for styles in dev mode.
12. Keep Next.js Updated
- Each new Next.js release includes performance improvements and bug fixes. Keeping your app up to date ensures you benefit from these enhancements.
Additional Considerations
- Environment Variables
- Ensure your dev environment is not loading unnecessary environment variables. These can slow down builds and runtime.
- Custom Webpack Configuration
- Avoid overly complex Webpack configurations, as they can introduce bottlenecks.
- Database and API Calls
- In development, reduce reliance on live databases or external APIs by using mocks or local test data.
- Filesystem Monitoring
- On large projects, filesystem monitoring for Hot Reloading can be resource-intensive. Consider excluding unnecessary directories from monitoring.
- Cache Static Files
- Use caching for static assets (e.g., images) during development to speed up reloads.
While development mode in Next.js is intentionally designed for debugging and ease of use, it can feel slow for larger or more complex projects. By implementing the tips above, you can make your development environment more efficient, saving time and improving your workflow. Remember, the slower performance in dev is a trade-off for the excellent debugging tools and developer experience Next.js provides.
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